March 22, 2012

A heart for my roomie

I have a new roommate, a sweet Indonesian girl. She's an amazing person. I'm so grateful to have her in my life.

Visit Clytie's random hearts to see the most beautiful hearts in the world.
Love you, Clytie and Beth.

March 16, 2012

March 10, 2012

Sport heart

Getting ready for my weekly workout, this amazing heart caught my eye. And said to me, it's time to visit Clytie's hearts. Thank you dearest Clytie.
Being very busy with my studies, I feel so sorry I can't take part in GHT every week. I'm missing it so much. I'll try to visit all the hearts this time. Thanks again for dropping by.
Hope you have a great weekend!
Visit Guest Heart Thursday to enjoy the most amazing hearts around the world.