April 1, 2011

I LOVE love love Magnolia

These wonderful flowers are just in front of my dorm. The other day, when I looked out of the window, saw some purple and whitish spots. I thought they might be some flowers on the trees,but since there weren't any leaves, I just left the idea of seeing them closely. Today, again , those whitish spots drew my attention. Well, it's cloudy, thought, the photos wouldn't be nice. OK. But I couldn't resist and went outside. OOOooooo MAGNOLIAs!!!!! I LOVE magnolia!

See these buds forming a heart?

This one my fave. See the central petals hugging
in heart?

A heart? Yes, definitely!

an extended heart?

brown-green heart...

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Thank you all.

Guest Heart Thursday


TexWisGirl said...

Those magnolias are different than the ones we see here in Texas. Ours are creamy white HUGE blooms on large-leafed trees. Yours are delicate. Lovely hearts!

Trollkjerringa1 said...

WOW , such beauty <3 And amazing hearts . I still hope my magnolia will bloom , I bought it the year my oldest dog was a pup and she ate almost all of it :( still it's alive 6 years later but still no flowers ... But I hope this year :D If the snow didn't kill it .........

Clytie said...

Oooooh, I love magnolias! Especially ones with so many hearts! I'm so glad you have this beauty right in front of you!

Stephanie said...

Wow, I visited both of your blogs and It's really thoughtful and beatiful! I enjoyed watching your pictures of all the different flowers. Very creative blog :)

Laura said...

exquisite hearts Dani!

Inger-M said...

Those are gorgeous delicate flower hearts, love them!

Dawn said...

I have never seen such flowers! Breathtaking!!!! Those are LOVELY hearts!!!

Pearl Maple said...

Lovely photos, what a beautiful sight to enjoy and celebrate the arrival of spring