December 30, 2010

Last 2010 Guest Heart Thursday

Dear Heart-lovers,

Среќна Нова Година!


May each moment be special for you!

May you have blessed moments with your family, friends, beloved ones!

May your days be full of good health, pleasure, happiness!

May you achieve your remaining goals!

May you celebrate the life, enjoy the nature, LOVE every day!

May your days be joyful and bright!

I want to say a huge THANKS to my friend and twin-sister Clytie, a wonderful heart-seeker, the Queen of hearts. I know words can't express my heartfelt gratitude. I feel blessed to have met her and her amazing heart world. She's been inspiration for this blog too.
Thank you Clytie from the bottom of my heart.
Thanks to all other regular visitors, heart-seekers, followers as well.

My 2010 heart collages
* * * * * Wishing you a delightful New Year 2011!!! * * * * *


Anonymous said...

I am awestruck.
I am honored.
I am humbled.
I am crying, darn it!

I love your heart collages ... I love your HEART, Sissie-Dani!

May this New Year bring you joy and blessings!

Inger-M said...

♥ WOW, what a beautiful and wonderful collection of hearts!
I wish you a Happy New Year, filled with more hearts:-)

~Cheryl said...

What an excellent way to celebrate your 2010 Hearts! I love that you dedicated this to our Heart-ie Clytie! May your 2011 be filled with happiness and good health! ♥

Laura said...

what a beautiful collection of hearts Dani!!! Wishing you a New Year filled with good health, love and all that you need to thrive:)

Daliana Pacuraru said...

Wow! Thank you!
I wish you a big heart full of joy and happiness!
Happy New Year to you too!