December 24, 2010

Snow hearts

A snow heart on my fingers. Lasted for only 10 seconds.

A heart
for all the snow-lovers

A random student loves the university. :)

Guest Heart Thursday

Have a blessed festive time with your beloved ones.


Clytie said...

Oh Dani! These are GREAT! I really really love the shoe heart - the tread from your shoes makes such a cool pattern! How come I never thought of doing that??? :=}

I know you celebrate Christmas a little later - but I hope you are having a happy winter season.

Cheryl said...

Dani, I am so glad you stopped by my blog and made the 100th follower! Two years ago when I started my blog I figured I would probably have a dozen or so followers..I am delighted by your blog and will be back many more times!

Laura said...

wonderful hearts from a woman with a beautiful heart of her own! happy holidays Dani!

Jupiter Family said...

Среќна Нова Година!
Нова Година 2011 огномет прослави низ светот
Демонстрација на YouTube

Happy New Year!!
New Year's 2011 Fireworks Celebrations Around the World
Demo on YouTube

~Cheryl said...

I love your 10 second snow hearts! You had to be quick with the camera; I still need both hands to steady my little point and shoot (and even then so many are blurry!). Thank you for always dropping by and leaving a comment; you are wonderful! I hope your last few days of 2010 are cozy and relaxing before preparing for your second Christmas. Cheers!